Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
We help experts and professional advisors elevate your message to drive results in your business and impact in your life. Story Greenlight founder Jeff Bartsch is a visionary storyteller and coach who built his career over 20 years as a broadcast television editor in Hollywood, working with clients including ABC, NBC, Universal, Disney, Apple, and many others. His commentary has been featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, the Associated Press, and multiple textbooks. Story Greenlight is all about helping you build genuine relationship with your people through strategic storytelling and human-driven communication. Because real people trust real people, and human connection is everything.
Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
020. Evolving as a Creator w/ Kevin Kolbe
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that content creation has been happening for a long time – before the internet, before moving pictures, even before the printing press.
The elements that build compelling content exist outside any one platform or tactic, and while those elements rarely change, creators need to be willing to change all the time.
Kevin Kolbe built his career over 30 years in traditional radio and television, working as a producer and creative director for FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, and CW stations in Tennessee and North Carolina.
He’s helped his employers and creative teams navigate massive change in media over the years, and now he’s helping non-profits and solo creators do the same.
Because the one constant in great stories – and in life – is change.
🖥 Connect with Kevin Kolbe at https://www.kevinkolbemedia.com
📹 Kevin Kolbe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/kevinkolbe
LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE: Got comments, reactions, or just wanna say hi? Leave a voice message for us and we may use it in an upcoming episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/StoryGreenlight
My Creative Journey, https://kevinkolbe.com/blog/mycreativejourney
Kevin’s blog post about mixing job and identity
The Future of This Channel, Peter McKinnon https://youtu.be/KSO3zoUGCEY
Video Kevin references about creativity
0:00 Content creation always changes
1:32 Kevin and Jeff discuss weird media systems
5:19 Jeff’s kids don’t know what videotape is – showing different physical media formats
7:17 The weirdest physical media – the radio cartridge
9:10 How Kevin started in radio
11:43 How Kevin got started in TV
16:35 How Kevin moved up the ranks to creative services director
19:07 How Kevin’s position disappeared
21:22 What happens when our activities become our identity – what is your “why”?
26:01 Kevin’s next chapter after losing his job
31:53 Jeff on voiceover and creating opportunity instead of waiting for it
34:45 Bringing change into an environment that’s stuck in its ways
36:37 Kevin on what’s happening now
39:12 Kevin finding more focus on YouTube and helping others do the same thing
42:22 Finding one’s messaging and niche
46:01 Giving yourself permission to reinvent yourself or change your focus
51:52 How have you experienced change in your creating?
If you like these kind of ideas and want to apply them specifically to YOUR content, consider joining our private community called The Green Room. It’s all about leveling up your content, leveling up yourself, and getting things DONE with the support of an active community of creators like you. Get started now at https://www.storygreenlight.com/greenroomfree.
FREE WORKSHEET: How to Find and Shape Your Own Power Stories 💪
💡 Download the simple steps to create powerful, high-leverage stories that move people emotionally to say “YES” to you and your business. Then use them over and over, anywhere you want!
Get your free worksheet right now at https://www.storygreenlight.com/powerstory.