Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
We help experts and professional advisors elevate your message to drive results in your business and impact in your life. Story Greenlight founder Jeff Bartsch is a visionary storyteller and coach who built his career over 20 years as a broadcast television editor in Hollywood, working with clients including ABC, NBC, Universal, Disney, Apple, and many others. His commentary has been featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, the Associated Press, and multiple textbooks. Story Greenlight is all about helping you build genuine relationship with your people through strategic storytelling and human-driven communication. Because real people trust real people, and human connection is everything.
Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
023. What “Cinematic” Actually Means
Content creators love to throw around the term “cinematic.”
In this episode, we’re gonna talk about what the term “cinematic” actually means, why it matters to every content creator including you, and why getting “cinematic” results might look different than you might think.
LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE: Got comments, reactions, or just wanna say hi? Leave a voice message for us and we may use it in an upcoming episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/StoryGreenlight
Mentioned episodes:
Episode 007. How to Tell a Story on YouTube (and Anywhere Else)
Episode 009. How to Give Your Audience What They Want, Pt 1 – Micro-Moments and Feelings
Episode 010. How to Give Your Audience What They Want, Pt 2 – The Thing Under the Thing
00:00 What’s the deal with “cinematic”?
00:54 What does "cinematic" actually mean?
01:52 Jeff's change of mind on "cinematic"
06:06 Why “cinematic” matters for all creators
14:46 The challenges of cinematic shooting and editing
18:28 The mental shift: replacing “cinematic” with “impact”
19:27 How to create impact with your videos
If you’re looking for help creating more impact in YOUR content, that’s what we do in The Green Room. The Green Room is our private community here at Story Greenlight that’s all about helping you tell your stories, connect with your audience, and unleash the next levels of impact in your content and in yourself.
You can try out The Green Room for a full month for free at https://www.storygreenlight.com/greenroomfree.
FREE WORKSHEET: How to Find and Shape Your Own Power Stories 💪
💡 Download the simple steps to create powerful, high-leverage stories that move people emotionally to say “YES” to you and your business. Then use them over and over, anywhere you want!
Get your free worksheet right now at https://www.storygreenlight.com/powerstory.