Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
We help experts and professional advisors elevate your message to drive results in your business and impact in your life. Story Greenlight founder Jeff Bartsch is a visionary storyteller and coach who built his career over 20 years as a broadcast television editor in Hollywood, working with clients including ABC, NBC, Universal, Disney, Apple, and many others. His commentary has been featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, the Associated Press, and multiple textbooks. Story Greenlight is all about helping you build genuine relationship with your people through strategic storytelling and human-driven communication. Because real people trust real people, and human connection is everything.
Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
028. Remixing a Creative Online Business w/ Joe Gilder
Sometimes offering a product or service online makes sense because we see lots of people doing it. But when it comes to helping people with our own knowledge or creativity while making an income from it, sometimes it’s easy to wonder how that would actually work for us.
Joe Gilder is a musician, producer, and founder of HomeStudioCorner.com. He’s worked with Sweetwater Sound, creates content for Presonus, and he’s spent the last 15 years serving thousands of students through his online courses, events, and memberships.
Music changes, technology changes, and so has Joe’s business. Here’s the story of how things have worked for Joe, and how they can work for you.
🖥 Connect with Joe Gilder: https://www.homestudiocorner.com/
📹 Joe Gilder on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDzeYIkNPD7_6adQZ3oX8g
Featured music:
Feel, by Joe Gilder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf3OSDS0zDk&list=OLAK5uy_krBz78uKgi_y0oTVREAXu_Iol3SH6c0jo&index=3
Free, by Joe Gilder ft. Low Pro https://youtu.be/UQQBdwh9N1M
British philosopher, Alain de Botton: https://www.alaindebotton.com/
Graham Cochrane: https://www.grahamcochrane.com/
00:00 Building and remixing business
01:32 When Jeff played keyboard on Joe’s record
04:19 Joe’s journey into music and mixing
06:23 Becoming an online audio teacher
10:32 Making money from creative skills
12:58 Sell through your content
15:59 Content creation is sales
19:09 Sharing information is sharing value
24:58 Selling and creating products
25:44 Joe’s first course
32:15 What happens when you run out of ideas?
33:38 Creating Dueling Mixes with Graham Cochrane
41:23 Rebuilding and remixing
43:54 Home Studio Corner in the future
46:04 Growth is a continuum
LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE: Got comments, reactions, or just wanna say hi? Leave a voice message for us and we may use it in an upcoming episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/StoryGreenlight
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