Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
We help experts and professional advisors elevate your message to drive results in your business and impact in your life. Story Greenlight founder Jeff Bartsch is a visionary storyteller and coach who built his career over 20 years as a broadcast television editor in Hollywood, working with clients including ABC, NBC, Universal, Disney, Apple, and many others. His commentary has been featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, the Associated Press, and multiple textbooks. Story Greenlight is all about helping you build genuine relationship with your people through strategic storytelling and human-driven communication. Because real people trust real people, and human connection is everything.
Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
030. Why Storytelling Is Worth It Even When It’s Hard w/ Jeff Bartsch
If you’ve ever wondered “I thought storytelling was supposed to be easy, why does it feel so hard to do”, it’s not just you. It can be easy, but it can also be really confusing and frustrating.
Here’s the thing: the harder something is to do, usually there’s a greater payoff in the end. Storytelling is absolutely one of those things, and here’s why it’s worth learning how to do it well.
If you like these kind of ideas and want to apply them specifically to YOUR content, consider joining our private community called The Green Room. It’s all about leveling up your content, leveling up yourself, and getting things DONE with the support of an active community of creators like you. You can get access for a full month for free – get started now at https://www.storygreenlight.com/greenroomfree.
00:00 Storytelling is worth learning
01:02 The trade-off of simple vs complex storytelling
03:06 Why is good storytelling hard to do?
08:31 The pay-off of good storytelling
10:52 How storytelling is used on American Ninja Warrior
13:54 The impact storytelling has on you, the storyteller
17:02 Compound the power of a story using video
20:04 How video amplifies stories
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FREE WORKSHEET: How to Find and Shape Your Own Power Stories 💪
💡 Download the simple steps to create powerful, high-leverage stories that move people emotionally to say “YES” to you and your business. Then use them over and over, anywhere you want!
Get your free worksheet right now at https://www.storygreenlight.com/powerstory.