Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
We help experts and professional advisors elevate your message to drive results in your business and impact in your life. Story Greenlight founder Jeff Bartsch is a visionary storyteller and coach who built his career over 20 years as a broadcast television editor in Hollywood, working with clients including ABC, NBC, Universal, Disney, Apple, and many others. His commentary has been featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, the Associated Press, and multiple textbooks. Story Greenlight is all about helping you build genuine relationship with your people through strategic storytelling and human-driven communication. Because real people trust real people, and human connection is everything.
Story Greenlight with Jeff Bartsch
041. Donuts in the Kitchen – Communication Moments Pt 1 w/ Jeff Bartsch
We all know communication is important for business success. But we also know that a lot of communication is disposable and annoying.
It’s tempting to just become a hermit and only focus on the next big project or sales contract. But tunnel vision with communication isn’t wise either – whether you’re a solo operator or you’re leading an internal team or a huge company.
How do we stay focused on the communication that actually matters? That’s what Jeff talks about in this episode!
Work with Jeff: https://www.storygreenlight.com/consult
00:00 Pop quiz
01:17 What counts as too much communication?
03:32 Communicating to strengthen relationships
06:45 The ABT’s of Communication Moments
08:23 Comparing communication moments in business and marriage
08:35 Beginnings – when Jeff met Chantel
11:12 Beginnings in business – keep it low-key
13:07 Big Requests – how Jeff proposed to Chantel
16:25 Big Requests in business
17:27 Going forward from Beginnings and Big Requests
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